Goblins Premodern decks

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Deck Name





BR Goblins Isaac Mateu Hispanoesfera 1ª ED (Mayo ´21) 31/05/2021 1 of 40
Goblins Carlos Valdivia Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (quien más grande la tiene) 30/05/2021 3 of 9
Mono R Goblins Douwe Dutch Premodern Monthly - May 30/05/2021 1 of 16
Ancient Gobbos Koen Haak Dutch Premodern Monthly - May 30/05/2021 4 of 16
RG Goblins Carlos Dominique Madrid Premodern - Phelddagrif Open 29/05/2021 5 of 18
RG Goblins Mario Velasco Madrid Premodern - Phelddagrif Open 29/05/2021 7 of 18
RG Goblins Joan Valls 2na Jornada Lliga Premodern de Kuroneko 26/05/2021 5 of 9
Goblins Locos Tomas Bosch 2na Jornada Lliga Premodern de Kuroneko 26/05/2021 6 of 9
RG Goblin Sergio Aragon 1er Premodern.cat Icarus Jocs 16/05/2021 3 of 13
Goblin Victor Gomez 1er Premodern.cat Icarus Jocs 16/05/2021 8 of 13
Goblins Grupo 1 Tomas Bosch 1ra Jornada Lliga Premodern de Kuroneko 11/05/2021 7 of 9
Hungry Hungry Gobbos Eggy216 The Magic Online Society - April Monthly 04/05/2021 2 of 15
RB Goblins Johannes Kämmler The Magic Online Society - April Monthly 04/05/2021 5 of 15
Goblins Nicholus Llanos Premodern PH 8th Tournament 03/05/2021 3 of 16
RG Goblins Kim Diz Premodern Double Elimination WEST (Enemy Fetchlands Allowed) 30/04/2021 2 of 16
Goblin Bidding Danny De Rooij Dutch Premodern Monthly - April 30/04/2021 7 of 27
Goblins Alfonso Zarzoso (VCF) Premodern MTGO XI 30/04/2021 9 of 10
Goblins RB Charles Sears The Mythic Society - Weekly Premodern 27/04/2021 4 of 11
Rg Goblins Mike McLaughlin Premodern Spring Fling 2021 25/04/2021 9 of 109
RG Goblins Mario Lopes 2º Weekly Premodern Gauntlet - Brazil 20/04/2021 1 of 5
Goblins Nicholus Llanos Premodern PH 5th Tournament 15/04/2021 4 of 12
BR Goblins Dolganov Matvey Moscow Premodern Tournament "Rites of Spring" 11/04/2021 2 of 47
Living Death Goblins Moiseev Dmitry Moscow Premodern Tournament "Rites of Spring" 11/04/2021 3 of 47
Goblins Mafer Quintero III Liga Madrileña de Premodern - 6 jornada 10/04/2021 6 of 36
Goblins Miguel Premodern Zaragoza 10/04/2021 1 of 15
Goblins Charles Sears The Mythic Society - Weekly Premodern 05/04/2021 2 of 17
Rb Goblins Danny De Rooij Dutch Premodern Monthly - March 31/03/2021 2 of 29
Mono R Goblins Woe Jozney Premodern Online Monthly (March 2021) 31/03/2021 11 of 142
Goblins Pablo Cubedo Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern “MAC-GYM” 27/03/2021 3
Goblins Alfonso Zarzoso (VCF) Premodern MTGO X 28/02/2021 3 of 12

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Most played cards in Goblins:

775 Decks
Goblin Warchief
3058 copies - 3.95 average
Goblin Lackey
3052 copies - 3.94 average
Goblin Piledriver
3041 copies - 3.92 average
Goblin Ringleader
3031 copies - 3.91 average
Goblin Matron
2894 copies - 3.73 average
Mogg Fanatic
2873 copies - 3.71 average
Gempalm Incinerator
2309 copies - 2.98 average
Siege-Gang Commander
2282 copies - 2.94 average
Karplusan Forest
2271 copies - 2.93 average
Wooded Foothills
2263 copies - 2.92 average
2245 copies - 2.9 average
2012 copies - 2.6 average
1747 copies - 2.25 average
Tormod's Crypt
1515 copies - 1.95 average
Rishadan Port
1455 copies - 1.88 average
1263 copies - 1.63 average
Skirk Prospector
1216 copies - 1.57 average
Goblin Sharpshooter
1056 copies - 1.36 average
Red Elemental Blast
1047 copies - 1.35 average
Goblin King
1042 copies - 1.34 average