Eldrazi Vintage Archive decks Page 1 of 14 Next Last # Deck Name Player Event Date Position Eldrazi IamActuallyLvL1 MTGO Vintage Preliminary 30/12/2019 1 Eldrazi cool95 MTGO Vintage Preliminary 30/12/2019 1 Eldrazi Phyrexian_Wombat MTGO Vintage Challenge 16/12/2019 13 White Eldrazi Alen Racedo Knight Ware Monthly Unsanctioned Vintage - December 15/12/2019 3 of 13 White Eldrazi Andres Nere Vintage Chile XV - Ogrodnik Palace 12th 14/12/2019 8 of 18 Eldrazi aooaaooa MTGO Vintage League - Undefeated Decks 10/12/2019 1 Eldrazi kauffj MTGO Vintage Playoff 10/12/2019 6 of 87 Eldrazi echecetmat35 MTGO Vintage Challenge 24/11/2019 22 of 56 Eldrazi swiftwarkite2 MTGO Vintage Challenge 24/11/2019 27 of 56 Eldrazi White Gabriele Fattorini 4Seasons Winter 2019 23/11/2019 8 of 32 Eldrazi mei0024 MTGO Vintage Challenge 17/11/2019 23 of 61 White Eldrazi Ethan Klein Romancing The Stones 16 @ Austin, TX 16/11/2019 1 of 17 Eldrazi Carlos Reyes Vintage Chile XIV - Ogrodnik Palace 11th 09/11/2019 4 of 13 Eldrazi Jogee MTGO Vintage League - Undefeated Decks 27/10/2019 1 Eldrazi MikeTheProf MTGO Vintage Challenge 27/10/2019 23 Eldrazi kauffj MTGO Vintage Challenge 27/10/2019 32 White Eldrazi Oscar Basart Lliga Catalana de Vintage - October Edition 26/10/2019 8 of 19 Eldrazi Znurvel MTGO Vintage League - Undefeated Decks 20/10/2019 10 Eldrazi kauffj MTGO Vintage League - Undefeated Decks 13/10/2019 1 Eldrazi Orim67 MTGO Vintage Challenge 13/10/2019 6 of 65 Eldrazi MikeTheProf MTGO Vintage Challenge 13/10/2019 12 of 65 Eldrazi Brener MTGO Vintage Challenge 13/10/2019 25 of 65 Eldrazi kauffj MTGO Vintage Challenge 13/10/2019 30 of 65 Eldrazi dancingjesus191 MTGO Vintage Challenge 13/10/2019 31 of 65 Eldrazi Krmont22 MTGO Vintage League - Undefeated Decks 06/10/2019 1 Eldrazi Deunan MTGO Vintage League - Undefeated Decks 06/10/2019 1 Eldrazi kauffj MTGO Vintage Challenge 06/10/2019 6 of 69 Eldrazis Joshua Volker Hacks Fall Vintage 2019 @ Chapel Hill, NC 05/10/2019 3 of 13 Eldrazi yamakiller MTGO Vintage Challenge 29/09/2019 21 of 68 Eldrazi discoverN MTGO Vintage League - Undefeated Decks 22/09/2019 1 Page 1 of 14 Next Last
Most played cards in Eldrazi: 401 Decks Ancient Tomb 1581 copies - 3.94 average Thought-Knot Seer 1581 copies - 3.94 average Reality Smasher 1536 copies - 3.83 average Eldrazi Temple 1528 copies - 3.81 average Cavern of Souls 1517 copies - 3.78 average Wasteland 1373 copies - 3.42 average Phyrexian Revoker 1200 copies - 2.99 average Thalia, Guardian of Thraben 1093 copies - 2.73 average Containment Priest 1011 copies - 2.52 average Grafdigger's Cage 980 copies - 2.44 average Eldrazi Displacer 970 copies - 2.42 average Null Rod 807 copies - 2.01 average Thorn of Amethyst 806 copies - 2.01 average Thalia, Heretic Cathar 755 copies - 1.88 average Kataki, War's Wage 508 copies - 1.27 average Karakas 494 copies - 1.23 average Swords to Plowshares 445 copies - 1.11 average Strip Mine 385 copies - 0.96 average Chalice of the Void 379 copies - 0.95 average Mana Crypt 367 copies - 0.92 average