Roberto Sartini playing Faeries | Position: Top 8 | |
Deck Name: Ugr Faeries | Sideboard | |
Creatures [12]2 Cloud of Faeries2 Ninja of the Deep Hours 4 Spellstutter Sprite 4 Tarmogoyf Instants [22]2 Fire // Ice3 Daze 3 Lightning Bolt 3 Spell Snare 3 Stifle 4 Brainstorm 4 Force of Will | Enchantments [3]3 StandstillArtifacts [1]1 Crucible of WorldsLands [21]1 Breeding Pool2 Flooded Strand 2 Island 2 Mishra's Factory 2 Mutavault 2 Tropical Island 3 Polluted Delta 3 Wasteland 4 Volcanic Island |
3 Blue Elemental Blast
2 Krosan Grip 2 Misdirection 1 Pyroblast 1 Red Elemental Blast 2 Relic of Progenitus 2 Threads of Disloyalty 2 Vedalken Shackles |
59 Cards | 15 Cards | |
3 Blue Elemental Blast
2 Krosan Grip 2 Misdirection 1 Pyroblast 1 Red Elemental Blast 2 Relic of Progenitus 2 Threads of Disloyalty 2 Vedalken Shackles |
15 Cards |