Gush Control Vintage Archive decks Page 1 of 1 # Deck Name Player Event Date Position Gush Control brianpk80 MTGO Vintage Daily 15/04/2017 2 Gush Control AIRO MTGO Vintage Daily 12/04/2017 2 Gush Control brianpk80 MTGO Vintage Daily 12/04/2017 3 Gush Control brianpk80 MTGO Vintage Daily 09/04/2017 5 Grixis Control Ruben Gonzalez Caballero Eternal Weekend 2017 - Vintage European Championship 02/04/2017 6 of 152 Rwu Josh Lalo Deal Me in Games 2017 series Event 1 11/02/2017 2 of 24 Gush Control powergamer1003 MTGO Vintage Daily 07/02/2017 3 Gush Control jasonhealy MTGO Vintage Daily 30/01/2017 1 Gush Control JasonHealy MTGO Vintage Daily 29/01/2017 2 Gush Control jasonhealy MTGO Vintage Daily 28/01/2017 4 Gush Control Marco Sgambato Ovino XI - Vintage main event 24/09/2016 1 of 32 U/R TITI Toni Anaya LCV 2016 - August 27/08/2016 2 of 27 JD UR Toni Anaya LCV 2016 - July 30/07/2016 8 of 23 Pyromancer Control Marco Sgambato Bergamo - NVL#9 24/07/2016 3 of 12 Gush Tinker Alex Delgado LCV 2016 - April 30/04/2016 1 of 39 La Cosa Miquel Alcoriza LCV 2016 - April 30/04/2016 8 of 39 Gush Control Sarven McLinton GP Melbourne Vintage 05/03/2016 6 of 14 East Coast Wins Vito Picozzo The Council Open #12 17/12/2011 4 of 19 Remora Gush Control Theo Limber Team Serious Open - Sandusky, Ohio 03/12/2011 5 of 28 Gush Control Matt Elias Blue Bell Game Day #19 03/12/2011 1 of 44 East Coast Wins Shawn Anthony The Council Open #11 - TPG - Bloomsburg, PA 26/11/2011 6 of 14 East Coast Wins Shawn Anthony N.Y.S.E. XIX 19/11/2011 3 of 19 East Coast Wins Allen Fulmer N.Y.S.E. XIX 19/11/2011 7 of 19 Gush Tinker Valerio Visco TPC#1 - Roma 09/10/2011 2 of 21 4-3-2 Chris Pikula TDG Summer Open & Grudge Match III 21/08/2011 1 of 82 Gush Control Paul Mastriano 2011 Gen Con Vintage Champs 05/08/2011 2 of 140 Gush Control Stephen Menendian 2011 Gen Con Vintage Champs 05/08/2011 3 of 140 East Coast Wins Allen Fulmer N.Y.S.E. XVI 30/07/2011 1 of 31 East Coast Wins Shawn Anthony N.Y.S.E. XVI 30/07/2011 4 of 31 Meandeck Gush Paul Mastriano N.Y.S.E. XVI 30/07/2011 5 of 31 Page 1 of 1
Most played cards in Gush Control: 30 Decks Force of Will 118 copies - 3.93 average Gush 107 copies - 3.57 average Mental Misstep 83 copies - 2.77 average Scalding Tarn 78 copies - 2.6 average Preordain 72 copies - 2.4 average Volcanic Island 54 copies - 1.8 average Leyline of the Void 52 copies - 1.73 average Underground Sea 51 copies - 1.7 average Flooded Strand 43 copies - 1.43 average Jace, the Mind Sculptor 43 copies - 1.43 average Misty Rainforest 42 copies - 1.4 average Mana Drain 40 copies - 1.33 average Tropical Island 39 copies - 1.3 average Ingot Chewer 38 copies - 1.27 average Dack Fayden 31 copies - 1.03 average Mox Sapphire 30 copies - 1 average Black Lotus 30 copies - 1 average Ancestral Recall 30 copies - 1 average Brainstorm 30 copies - 1 average Time Walk 30 copies - 1 average