Psychatog Premodern decks

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Deck Name





Psychatog Isaias Satanas Cor Petit II Lliga Pixavina de Premodern 09/02/2025 2 of 10
UB Psychatog Alexandre Pascoal Premodern Portugal - Spanish SuperCup 2026 qualifier 1 01/02/2025 2 of 13
Psychatog Tomas Varga Cloudpost PM 2nd/2025 30/01/2025 3 of 13
Dinusaurio Miguel Martos Mensual Liga Premodern Granada 25/01/2025 1 of 20
UB Psychatog Rodrigo Melgosa Liga Premodern Burgos 1º Jornada 18/01/2025 10 of 13
Psychatog Tomas Varga Cloudpost PM 1st/2025 16/01/2025 8 of 11
Puigdatog Fernando Ros Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (Se Busca) 11/01/2025 5 of 19
Psychatog Carlos Tilkiev Magic Lair (Argentina) 11/01/2025 8 of 20
Grow-A-Tog Matěj Orálek KMFNM Premodern vol. 29 @ Kromeriz (Czechia) 03/01/2025 2 of 10
Psychatog Carl Winter Premodern Online Monthly (December 2024) 31/12/2024 16 of 67
Psychatog Anatoly Chuhwichov SPb Lampovy Premodern HappyNewYear MegaWeekly 17/12/2024 14 of 35
Psycatog Pablo Britos Torneo Confluencia #37 (Neuquén, Argentina) 14/12/2024 3 of 8
Psychatog Furnace_Scamp 2024 CPS Showdown November #3 05/12/2024 2 of 16
Psychatog Rodrigo Cañas Hispanoesfera 37 ED (Noviembre´24) 30/11/2024 14 of 56
Psychatog Furnace_Scamp 2024 CPS League - November #2 24/11/2024 10 of 94
Spiga l´Atog Andrea Giovi Discord Premodern Italia: 4th Tournament 3rd Season 22/11/2024 3 of 24
UB Psychatog Furnace_Scamp 2024 CPS Showdown November #2 19/11/2024 7 of 16
Psychatog Falconetti Matteo Premodern & Friends 6 16/11/2024 2 of 24
Psychatog Furnace_Scamp 2024 CPS League - November #1 10/11/2024 10 of 90
Psychatog Pretty Balboa Liga Premodern Alicante 2024 21ª Jornada 02/11/2024 6 of 22
Psychatog Arthur G. Mercadian Frogs à Paris 17/10/2024 7 of 12
zombies&togs Gabriele Squaratti Discord Premodern Italia: 3rd Tournament 3rd Season 15/10/2024 3 of 24
Psychatog Kelvin Hoon Singapore Premodern Society Monthly Oct 24 13/10/2024 1 of 14
Psychatog Eugene Wong Singapore Premodern Society Monthly Oct 24 13/10/2024 6 of 14
Psychatog Matías Bollati Hispanoesfera 35 ED (Septiembre´24) 30/09/2024 16 of 59
UB Psychatog Romariovidal 2024 CPS League - September #2 29/09/2024 3 of 104
Psychatog Sebastian Finkes 26th Premodern Tournament at Ultra Comix Nuremberg (Germany) 28/09/2024 4 of 14
BUR Psychatog Borja Villada Premoder Gasteiz Mirari - Jornada 8 21/09/2024 5 of 33
UB Toginator Francis Cowper London Premodern - September 15/09/2024 1 of 16
Psychatog Anatoly Chuhwichov Tournament in honour of A.S. Pushkin 14/09/2024 6 of 40

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Most played cards in Psychatog:

205 Decks
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Polluted Delta
758 copies - 3.7 average
Accumulated Knowledge
664 copies - 3.24 average
642 copies - 3.13 average
602 copies - 2.94 average
574 copies - 2.8 average
Engineered Plague
501 copies - 2.44 average
Mana Leak
467 copies - 2.28 average
Fact or Fiction
464 copies - 2.26 average
Underground River
427 copies - 2.08 average
Circular Logic
369 copies - 1.8 average
340 copies - 1.66 average
327 copies - 1.6 average
313 copies - 1.53 average
Shadowmage Infiltrator
246 copies - 1.2 average
Cunning Wish
217 copies - 1.06 average
197 copies - 0.96 average
196 copies - 0.96 average
187 copies - 0.91 average
Diabolic Edict
163 copies - 0.8 average