Super LegacyRS - 2016 - [NerdZ Store] Porto Alegre|RS|Brazil

Format: Legacy Archive | Number of Players: 43 | Date: 27/11/2016




Bant Aggro Olavo Caruccio 2
Berserk Stompy Paulo Paludo 3
Eldrazi Cristiano Paiva 4
Berserk Stompy Rafael Obrusnik 5
Lands Fabricio Miranda 6
Berserk Stompy Valdir Valerim 7
Jund Eduardo Fontana 8
Bant Aggro Diego Bitelo 9
Enchantress Henriky Griebler 10
Death and Taxes Felipe Medeiros 11
Deadguy Ale Roberto Oliveira 12
Ad Nauseam Tendrils Bruno Caminha 13
Omnitell Leonardo Couto 14
Slivers Diego Nunes 15
Dredge Fausto Velho 16

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