MTGO Vintage Challenger Format: Vintage | Number of Players: Unknown | Date: 11/07/2022 Archetype Player Position MUD Mogged 1 Paradoxical burrarun 2 Grixis Yamaro 3 Temur Dazai 4 Death and Taxes Wesal 5 Temur Dafne17 6 HollowVine aManatease 7 MUD Thomas_Serra 8 Azorius scalo94 9 MUD musasabi 10 Paradoxical Clamavus 11 All Spells Slasher21 12 Grixis Promidnightz 13 Paradoxical JOANANTON 14 Death and Taxes Zeekulus 15 Doomsday revenantkioku 16 Doomsday CrazyDiamond513 17 MUD adm29 18 Azorius bless_von 19 All Spells medvedev 20 Bant ZYURYO 21 Dredge dgreen16 22 HollowVine LaikaComeHome 23 Izzet notmi 24 4c Control CodeProvider 25 Doomsday Enrichetta 26 Death and Taxes mosh110 27 4c Control NooxTom 28 HollowVine Sarlanga 29 Death and Taxes LuckyOnline 30 Azorius SenpaiBlank 31 HollowVine Breckoroni 32
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