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Tournament Name



Dice City Games Legacy Rumble 31 Players 19/11/2023
MTG Huizhou 98th Legacy Games 8 Players 18/11/2023
Lega T1.5 Magic Planet Piacenza - Back to the Legacy - Tappa 2 27 Players 05/11/2023
Inaugural Legacy Tournament @ High Market Hobbies, Philippines 18 Players 05/11/2023
Pig League 5 Tappa#2 10 Players 04/11/2023
MTG Huizhou 97th Legacy Games 7 Players 04/11/2023
Law League #2 72 Players 29/10/2023
Turin Legacy League 2k24 - Tappa 1 44 Players 22/10/2023
Hanseatic Open 6 - Hannover - powered by Der Kartenladen Hamburg 86 Players 21/10/2023
Lega T1.5 Magic Planet Piacenza - Back to the Legacy - Tappa 1 29 Players 15/10/2023
Lega T1.5 Magic Planet Piacenza - Back to the Legacy - Tappa 1 29 Players 15/10/2023
Pig League 5 Tappa#1 10 Players 08/10/2023
Pig League 4 The Final 3 Players 04/10/2023
MTG Huizhou 96th Legacy Games 7 Players 03/10/2023
159th KMC in Japan 61 Players 30/09/2023
LIL - Lliga Ingeniacy 09/2023 43 Players 09/09/2023
Pig League 4 Tappa#7 14 Players 30/07/2023
156th KMC in Japan 53 Players 22/07/2023
17th KMC Invitational 26 Players 15/07/2023
Law League #8 47 Players 25/06/2023
155th KMC in Japan 61 Players 17/06/2023
154th KMC in Japan 56 Players 21/05/2023
Law League #7 69 Players 21/05/2023
ELM Qualifier at Blue Dojo 61 Players 30/04/2023
152nd KMC in Japan 90 Players 29/04/2023
Law League #6 57 Players 23/04/2023
Pig League 4 Tappa#6 15 Players 23/04/2023
Ronda Zero Abril 23 32 Players 02/04/2023
ELM Qualifier at H-Demia Penta 67 Players 02/04/2023
Pig League 4 Tappa#5 16 Players 26/03/2023

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Tier decks in the past 30 days

Archetypes 8 Cast 2 12 Post 235 4 Cast 1 4 Color Aggro 2 4 Color Control 3 4c Control 514 4c Delver 5 4c Loam 142 4C Uro Control 1 5c Control 6 8 Cast 67 8 Cast Painter 1 8-Cast 4 Abzan 1 Ad Nauseam Tendrils 202 Aeon Bridge 1 Affinity 39 All Spells 62 Aluren 120 ANT 2 Azorious 47 Bant 132 Bant Aggro 38 Beans 1 Beans Control 1 Beanstalk 2 Beanstalk Control 2 Belcher 36 Berserk Stompy 133 BG Aggro 1 Black Midrange 2 Black Saga Storm 1 Blade 56 Bomberman 73 Boros Stompy 1 BUG Beans 1 Buried Phoenix 16 Burn 122 BW Scam 1 Canadian 1 Cascade 4 Cephalid Breakfast 90 Cephalid Breakfst 2 Cloudpost 9 Cloudpost Ramp 1 Control 4 Cradle Control 4 Crashing Footfalls 1 Curse Stompy 1 Dark Depths  24 Deadguy Ale 12 Death & Taxes 3 Death and Taxes  1 Death and Taxes 475 Death Shadow 10 Delver 11 Depths 3 Depths Maverick 2 Depths Reanimator 4 Dimir Murktide 2 Dimir Scam 4 Dimir Shadow 1 Doomsday 191 Dragon Stompy 6 Dredge 127 Eldrazi 1 Eldrazi and Taxes 39 Eldrazi Stompy 308 Elves 360 Enchantress 32 Esper 9 Esper Midrange 1 Esper Stoneblade 2 Esper Vial 58 False Cure 1 Fish 76 Food Chain 81 Food Chain Goblins 1 Goblins 141 Golgari 3 Golgari Depths  1 Grixis 4 Grixis Control 92 Grixis Delver 266 Grixis Phoenix 1 GW Depths 2 Gyruda Twins 35 Hammer 1 Hammertime 1 Helm Combo 1 High Tide 2 Hogaak 276 HollowVine 14 Humans  1 Humans 40 Hypergenesis 1 Infect 9 Initiative 23 Initiative Stompy 6 Initiative W 3 Initiative WR 3 Inititative 1 Izzet 11 Izzet Delver 657 Izzet Murktide 67 Jeskai 97 Jeskai Control 48 Jeskai Delver 41 Jeskai Mentor 1 Jund 14 Junk 3 Karn 1 Karn Echo 1 Karn Echoes 31 Lands 303 Landstill 50 Lutri Deck 1 Madness 5 Mardu 2 Maverick 197 Melforks 2 Merfolk 1 Merfolks 47 Mill 14 Miracles 362 Missisipi River 1 Mono Black 67 Mono Blue 10 Mono Blue Artifacts 2 Mono Green Post 1 Mono Red Painters 2 Mono Red Prison 6 Moon Stompy 1 MUD 49 Multi Color Control 2 Mystic Forge Combo 1 Naya Depths 12 Naya Stompy 1 Naya Zenith 1 Nic Fit  1 Nic Fit  39 Ninja 1 Ninjas 145 Omni-Attack 1 OmniTell 260 Orzhov 3 Other 500 Painter 17 Painters 169 Phoenix 1 Post Ramp 1 Pox 18 Rakdos Painters 1 Rakdos Scam 1 Reanimator 281 Red Prison 266 Rest in Pieces 9 Rhino 1 Rhinos 1 Riddlesmith Combo 2 Rogue 14 Ruby Storm 1 RUG Delver 12 RUG Tempo 1 Saga Storm 2 Scam 4 Scaminator 1 Scammator 1 Scamminator 3 Sharkstill 1 Show and Tell 4 Slivers 46 Smog Combo 2 Sneak & Show 1 Sneak and Show 235 Sneak Attack 2 Sneak Red 3 Sneak Show 2 Spiral Tide 1 Squirrel Smog 1 Stasis 13 Stiflenought 5 Stompy 2 Stoneblade 41 Storm 4 Stryfo Pile 16 Sudden Substitution 1 Sultai 219 Sultai Delver 102 Sultai Shardless 7 Superfriends 1 Tainted Pact Combo 3 Temur 32 Temur Cascade 5 Temur Delver 521 Temur Hamster 1 Tezzeret Control 5 Thassashift  1 The Epic Storm 171 The Rock 11 Thopters 7 Threshold 1 Tin Fins 32 Titanic Dryad 25 Turbo Cascade 1 Turbo Depths 323 U/R Delver 13 U/W Control 1 UB Scam 1 UBx Shadow 101 Underworld Breach 108 UR Delver 31 UR Phoenix 1 URb Phoenix 1 Urza 59 Urza Oko 3 UWR Control 2 Valki Cascade 16 Worldgorger Dragon 1 WUR Control 1 Yorion Control 3 Yorion Zenith 3 Zoo 6